Our Mission

Ansyme is an initiative for solving complex medical disorders by using advanced neuroscience

About Us

The founders of Ansyme have lived experience with debilitating chronic illness and dysautonomia. We also have backgrounds in neuroscience, brain research, and engineering. Causes and treatments for conditions like ours are likely to be found in the small neuronal circuits of the lower brain, but medical research is currently focused on physiological causes. Ansyme helps people like us heal by promoting research at the intersection of cell-level neuroscience and systemic medicine.

Our Work

Today’s complex medical disorders include dysautonomias, such as Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), Migraine, and Chronic Pain, as well as idiopathic chronic illnesses, such Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Long Lyme Disease, Vertigo, and Tinnitus. These conditions often have waxing/waning and episodic natures that lead to millions of hours of suffering and lost productivity.

Other initiatives to understand and treat these disorders, such as The Open Medicine Foundation and Solve CFS, work with physicians and take a medicalized approach. Ansyme centers advanced neuroscience and makes it the focus for solving these complex systemic conditions. Recent papers have shown that small circuits in the lower brain control specific physiological phenomenon, such as torpor (fatigue), vasovagal syncope (fainting), and gut motility (digestion), which are involved in dysautonomias. This indicates that the lower brain and autonomic nervous system could be the best gateway to new diagnostics, treatments, and actionable clinical insights for these disorders.